Friday, June 1, 2012

Being a Better Mom Your Page Title Optional page text here. I don't spend as much time with my kids as I should. I worry so much about what I have to do. By the time I'm done with "the list", I'm tired and have no energy to spend time with the kids. Oh, come on, you know what I mean.
So, here it is. Some posts that inspire me. I am determined to get to know my sons before it is too late. Now is the time.
  • I am very inspired by this post by Family Volley. I especially agree with the idea of not multitasking. I am the queen of doing 5 things at a time. I am teaching my kids that they are not important enough for me to stop. Bad mommy!
  • And this post, Connecting with Kids When You’re Exhausted could not be more appropriate. My favorite part was the finding connection points during the day. The author talks about how she has specific times that she makes sure that she talks to her kids, like driving in the car. I could totally do that!
  • Another great article, 7 Motherhood Ideas I Love has some great things you can do to connect with your kids. I like the idea of having a sacred night with your kids. She does a movie night. I might change this up because my toddler doesn't have the attention span. Plus the passage about "Interviews" touched me in such a way that I wanted to be her when she was a kid. Wow, her dad was cool. Honestly, every single idea was inspiring. Great post!
  • I love this post by Maternal Lens. It is 19 things to say to your kids consistently. I'll be honest, I thought that when I read this, I would feel guilty about what I don't do. But, I discovered that I say a lot of these. It made me feel so much better. I know that actions speak louder than words. But, words do mean so much!
  • The mother load is here on The Mom Challenge. Oh wow. I like a challenge. I also love a plan. Offer a plan, and I am first in line. Yep, goals do it for me. Ok, enough babble. This website challenges you every week for a year. It has a goal for each week of the year. It doesn't matter when you start. I will be starting this soon. Love, love, love!

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